Disposition 1.1: In my critical task, I demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that
are related to effective teaching. Through creating this critical task I developed
a better understanding of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline as they relate specifically
to migration. The key vocabulary words, and major concepts related to migration
are evident in the critical task.
Disposition 1.2: In my critical task, I also demonstrated an understanding of the possible misconceptions held by fourth
grade students. My critical task suggests using classroom discussions and KWL
charts as a way to uncover these misconceptions and to help students discover the correct information.
Disposition 1.5: I displayed an appreciation for the multiple perspectives of students when I created activities that
address the different learning styles. Throughout the unit on migration, students
will complete activities which are visual, auditory, kinesthetic and social. Students
are expected to demonstrate the new knowledge they construct while completing a group research project.
Disposition 1.8: My critical task helped my to develop a deeper understanding concerning the multiple representations
and explanations that can be used teach students. In my critical task I utilized
a video resource, The Migration Headache group activity, a group research project, and class discussions. I also learned to use the KWL chart and group discussion to uncover the students’ prior knowledge. Lessons can then be created that are better suited to students' abilities.
Disposition 1.10: After searching for resources I discovered a wide
variety of resources that can be used to create a lesson. It is important as a beginning teacher
to utilize these resources in developing lessons. These resources can provide
support in all subject areas of the curriculum.
Disposition 1.12: The task I created for students encouraged them to see, question, research, and explain ideas and information
from diverse perspectives. The activities and lessons created should adhere to
the state standards.
The critical task taught me that when creating a curriculum, the lesson needs to be built around the students’
prior knowledge and learning styles. Although the state requires certain major concepts to be addressed, there are
no restrictions as to how you teach them.